This is such an awesome list! I love how you've set it up for yourself.

My goal is to become a full time illustrator (somedayyyyyy) and have been working on goal setting and carving time out for artwork.

It's so hard with a full time job! But seeing how you've blocked out your estimated time is really helpful. Giving yourself limitations so that you know what you expect from yourself.

Thank you for sharing!

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Ps: my dyslexic fingerprints are all over this post!

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And congratulations on completing your first year! Will you also do an annual review to say what you accomplished this year? That would be interesting to read, and I’m sure good for you to review your wins.

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Love these goals Adam, along with the estimated hours. This is actually helpful in designing my own goals--carving out how much time they should take approximately. I hope to one day be full time as well so this is an aspirational list--being able to have the space and time to set such goals. Thank you for sharing!

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